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Assistant (Beta)

Only available on the beta version of RecipeSage

The RecipeSage assistant is a very new feature, and is also somewhat experimental. It's very helpful for some things, but very bad at others. This page will hopefully illustrate what the assistant can be used for, but also provide some warnings about what it should not be trusted for.

The RecipeSage assistant is based on ChatGPT, with a few adjustments and integration into RecipeSage.

A warning

The assistant should not be trusted for any critical advice. Use it for idea generation and inspiration, but do not trust the output for anything mission-critical - especially things that might cause physical or financial harm. Please heed the notes within the what the assistant is bad at section.

What the Assistant is Good At

The assistant is particularly good at the following:

  • Suggesting ideas for how one could improve a recipe ("my cake didn't rise, do you know what I could do differently next time to prevent that?")
  • Explaining the purpose of certain ingredients in a recipe, such as baking soda ("why is baking soda sometimes used in a cupcake recipe?")
  • Suggesting a meal plan or schedule ("give me some dish names for each day of the week this week (today is Monday)")
  • Coming up with uses for specific ingredients ("what do I do with 10 LB / 4.5 KG of zucchini?")

What the Assistant is Bad At

The assistant is particularly bad at the following:

  • Creating recipes that taste good ("give me a recipe for chocolate cake")
  • Creating recipes that adhere to a specific diet or are safe for those with food allergies ("give me a gluten free pizza recipe")
  • Doing math ("what is 2 cups plus 2 cups")
  • Knowing what day of the week it is ("give me some dish names for each day of the week this week") - include the current day name for good results
  • "Searching" or "looking up" things that you might otherwise find on the internet ("what is Smitten Kitchen's best recipe?")

How to Use the Assistant

  1. Open the assistant page via the side menu.
  2. Type a question into the message field and press send.
  3. Wait for a response.
  4. Send another message - the AI remembers up to 4 messages worth of history.