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Labelling Recipes

Labels are an excellent way of organizing your recipes. Think of labels as folders, but where a single recipe can be in multiple folders!

Creating Labels and Assigning Labels to Recipes

Both creating a label and adding a label to a recipe can be done from the 📖 edit recipe page.

To add a label to a recipe, open the 📖 edit recipe page and scroll to the bottom. Here, you'll see a an area to assign labels to the recipe. To add a label, search for the label name you'd like to add to the recipe (whether it already exists or not!). If you're entering a label that does not exist, you'll see "click to create" as a suggestion. If you're entering a label that already exists, you'll see "click to select" as a suggestion. After you're done adding labels to your recipe, click the "save" button at the bottom of the page.

After assigning labels to your recipes, you can 📖 filter by label.

Note: You can also create & manage labels here.