Creating/Editing Meal Plans and Items
Creating a Meal Plan
To create a meal plan:
- Open the 📱 Meal Plans page
- Click the + button in the bottom right corner
- Add a title and any collaborators
- Click "create"
Adding Items (text) to a Meal Plan
To add items directly to a meal plan:
- Open the 📱 Meal Plans page
- Open the meal plan you'd like to add items to
- Click the + button in the bottom right corner
- Click "manual entry" unless you want to 📖 add a recipe
- Enter the title, date, and select a meal
- Click "add to meal plan"
Adding a Recipe to a Meal Plan
To add a recipe to a meal plan you have two options - either via the recipe details page or via the meal plan details page. Both are just as effective, and are merely for convenience depending on what you're doing at the moment. Feel free to go through either flow depending on what's easier for you.
Via the Meal Plan Page
- Open the 📱 Meal Plans page
- Open the meal plan you'd like to add the recipe to
- Click the + button in the bottom right corner
- Leave "choose recipe" selected
- Search for the recipe you'd like to add via the search box
- Click the recipe you'd like to add from the results list
- Enter the date and select the meal this will be scheduled for
- Click "add to meal plan"
Via the Recipe Details Page
- Open the 📱 My Recipes page
- Open the recipe you'd like to add
- Open the options menu in the top right corner
- Click "add to meal plan"
- Select the meal plan you'd like to add the recipe to
- Select the date and select the meal this will be scheduled for
- Click "add to meal plan"
Editing an Item
To edit an item, simply click the item and select "edit this item". You can change anything about the item, including the date, meal, or recipe/title.