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Exporting Data

The options documented here apply to the Side Menu -> Settings -> Export Recipe Data page and the subpages withit.

Supported Export Data Formats

RecipeSage supports exporting in the following formats:

  • XML
  • Plain Text
  • PDF

JSON-LD can be re-imported later to RecipeSage via 📖 Importing From a JSON-LD File.

PDF can be used to save your recipes for offline use, or for printing purposes.

Please note that JSON-LD and XML are very generic filetypes internally, similar to a text document. Just because a different program asks for a .json or .xml file does not mean they'll be able to ingest one of the files exported by RecipeSage. Of course, if the program was designed to import a RecipeSage export in either of these formats, it'll be able to import from these filetypes.